eToro offers users the ability to invest in and trade 14 of the most popular cryptocurrencies available, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Cardano and more.
InvestBuy low, sell high - that’s the mantra of the investing world, and it holds true here, too. You make money by holding an asset until it increases in value, then selling when you think it’s peaked. This is made easier with eToro’s CopyTrader technology: choose a trader you like, analyze their returns and risk, and click COPY. Now, whenever they make a move, you move, too!
eToro makes its money through currency exchanges, transaction fees, and other means. Each cryptocurrency trade comes with a 0.75% to 5% charge, depending on the asset; they also charge a 0.1% conversion fee to go between currencies and a $5 withdrawal fee. Additionally, users who are inactive for more than one year will be charged $10 per month. For a comprehensive list of fees, please see their Fees Page:
All investing comes with a degree of risk, and cryptocurrencies are usually more volatile than the larger stock market. Read eToro’s Risk Disclosure here: USA LLC Risk Warning: eToro USA LLC; Virtual currencies are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk.