
Real Estate

iintoo is an online alternative investment platform for accredited investors, focused on commercial real estate investing.

How you make money
Dividends & Value
Minimum Investment
Target Return
Open to
Accredited Investors

How you make money

Explore commercial real estate opportunities on the dashboard and invest in the ones you want. Any person can get immediate access to current offers after signing up to iintoo for FREE. If you choose to fund a project, you will have to get verified as an accredited investor first.

How they make money

Each investment includes iintoo’s deal initiation costs, which usually amount to 7% of the value of an investment.

Investment Risks

As with any investment, iintoo’s direct investments entail a risk that may arise due to fluctuations in the real estate market, unforeseen circumstances, or failure to perform on the business plan. Nonetheless, iintoo signs contracts with each sponsor that include collateral/pledge provisions, such as the investor’s ownership of the acquired property, and other mechanisms that allow for control and regular monitoring of the investment.

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