Build your real estate portfolio online with investments offered by Jamestown.
InvestFollowing a rigorous screening process, Jamestown Invest seek to acquire assets which Jamestown believes have a compelling expected return given risk undertaken. Investor buys shares which represent partial ownership. Jamestown’s vertically integrated team seeks to improve the assets, with the goals of creating value for investors, tenants and the community. If the assets generate income, distributions are made to investors when available. Jamestown aims to sell improved assets with the goal of making money for investors.
Ongoing fees payable by Jamestown Invest 1, LLC to the Manager include, but are not limited to: A quarterly Fund Administration fee equal to 0.6% per annum of Jamestown Invest 1, LLC's most recent NAV A quarterly Asset Management fee equal to 1.25% per annum of Jamestown Invest 1, LLC's most recent NAV. Asset Disposition fee: 1% of Fund’s share of contract sales price based on Jamestown Invest 1’s ownership interest in the asset Participation Allocation (Incentive Fee): 20% of total shareholder profit before reduction for Participation Allocation, paid at Fund liquidation (as applicable)
Jamestown is not a registered broker-dealer. Jamestown does not give investment advice, endorsement, analysis or recommendations with respect to any securities. All securities on the Jamestown site are being offered by, and all information included in this communication is the responsibility of, the applicable issuer of such securities. Jamestown has not taken steps to verify the adequacy, accuracy, or completeness of such information. Neither Jamestown nor any of its officers, directors, agents and employees makes any warranty, express or implied, of any kind related to the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any such information on this site or the use of such information on this site. The Jamestown website is only suitable, intended and available for residents of the US who are familiar with and willing to accept the risks associated with private investments and able to bear the loss of their entire investment.