

LexShares makes it possible for individuals to invest in commercial litigation, a largely uncorrelated asset class.

How you make money
Minimum Investment
Target Return
Open to
Accredited Investors

How you make money

LexShares invests in a wide range of litigation finance assets, from single commercial matters, to portfolios, to direct law firm fundings. LexShares uses a multi-channel investment approach to ensure speed and certainty of funds. First, submit your application for funding and execute NDA. LexShares' team reviews your case. LexShares sends a contract detailing terms of funding. Lastly, the contract executed and funding deployed.

How they make money

There are no management fees charged to investors in individual cases through the LexShares platform. LexShares takes a carried interest in each case successfully funded. Carried interest is a share of the profits of an investment. LexShares affiliates are also entitled to receive an administration fee, a prepaid operating fee, and interest and fees related to bridge loan financing for prefunded deals. Also, a broker fee will be paid to a broker-dealer, which is related to affiliates of LexShares.

Investment Risks

Yes, investments in legal claims offered through LexShares are speculative and carry a high degree of risk. Investment opportunities posted on LexShares are “private placements” of securities that are not publicly traded, are subject to long holding period requirements, and are intended for investors who do not need a liquid investment. Investors must be able to afford the loss of their entire investment without a change to their lifestyle.

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