M1 is a Robo-Advisor that allows for a high level of customization which helps customers create a portfolio that is specified to their needs.
InvestInvestors using M1 Finance make money through stock price appreciation as well as dividends. Please note that all returns are hypothetical.
M1 Finance makes money from earning interest on cash and earning interest on lending securities. Additionally, M1 offers M1 Plus accounts for $100 in the first year ($125 per year thereafter) where users are able to have a second daily trading window along with a discount on the interest rate if they take out a loan with M1 borrow. (https://www.investopedia.com/m1-finance-review-4692708)
With investing comes risk including the possible loss of principal and there is no assurance that the investment will provide positive performance over any period of time. The Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) provides insurance that protects your investments, including those with M1 Finance. It covers up to $500,000 of missing assets, including a maximum of $250,000 for cash claims. For details, please see www.sipc.org. See M1's fee schedule here: https://m1.com/legal/disclosures/miscellaneous-fees/