

Newday Impact is the financial services company which provides authentic portfolios for socially responsible investors.

How you make money
Dividends & Value
Minimum Investment
Target Return
Open to
All Investors

How you make money

Partnerships with leading organizations provide Newday Impact with access to guidance on achieving higher levels of impact. New day provides exclusionary screening, fundamental analysis, ESG and governance research, and active management. Newday will walk you through investing and identify the best basket of companies that align with your values.

How they make money

Newday charges quarterly investment management fees based on a percentage of the market value of the assets in the account. The fee is 0.75% per annum and is charged quarterly based on the market value on the last day of the calendar quarter. Newday manages assets through the Newday Wrap Fee Program. A wrap fee program provides a bundle of services such as investment advice, investment research and brokerage services for one all-inclusive fee with no additional account activity charges for execution of trades. Newday generally imposes a $100 minimum per portfolio strategy.

Investment Risks

Although Newday works hard to preserve clients’ capital and to achieve above market returns, investing in securities entails assuming the risk of investment losses. The values of all equity investments fluctuate over time and, as a result, Newday clients may enjoy gains or suffer losses. Additionally, investing in foreign securities, either directly or indirectly through other funds or by utilizing derivatives to gain access to particular markets involves risk. Newday does not guarantee positive investment returns.

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